Change Plus: Implementing CHANGE
Change Plus: Implementing CHANGE – A Training Manual for Facilitators
Implementing CHANGE -Training Influential Community Members Across the European Union to Advocate for the Abandonment of Female Genital Mutilation.
This Training Manual has been developed under the auspices of the CHANGE Project and updated within the follow-up project CHANGE Plus. Both projects are co-funded by the European Union and coordinated by TERRE DES FEMMES in Germany. The aim is to motivate communities in the EU affected by female genital mutilation (FGM) to work for its full abandonment. Partners within the CHANGE project were FORWARD (UK), FSAN (Netherlands), Plan International (Germany), RISK (Sweden) and Euronet-FGM (EU-wide); the partners within CHANGE Plus are AIDOS (Italy), APF (Portugal), Coventry University (UK), Equipop (France), FSAN (Netherlands), Stiftung Hilfe mit Plan (Germany), End FGM (EU-wide), as well as Bangr Nooma (Burkina Faso) and Plan International (Mali) as associated partners.